About Us
What is Lakelands Counts?
Lakelands Counts is an easy-to-use platform that supports community improvement work in Abbeville, Greenwood, McCormick, and Saluda counties. It contains data, best practices, and resources for use by governments, health departments, hospitals, educational institutions, community-based organizations, human service providers, professionals from other sectors and the general public.
What are Lakelands Counts most important features?
Data: Lakelands Counts hosts over 140 health and quality of life data indicators and allows users to customize maps and reports in order to visualize and analyze data. Lakelands Counts features zip-code level maps of socioeconomic need to help users pinpoint at-risk populations and address local disparities.
Best practices: Lakelands Counts contains a database of over 2,000 proven practices and programs that can be tailored for program planning, implementation, and evaluation purposes.
Resources: Greenwood Counts has various community resources integrated into the platform, including mental health, 2-1-1 resources and various other resources for Greenwood.
Local focus: Greenwood Counts is structured around Greenwood County and the community’s priorities. Zip code-specific pages display data, priorities, local improvement activities, resources, and partners. Tracking features within the platform show zip code-level progress towards county goals.
What are some examples of how Lakelands Counts can be used?
Hospitals can use the Community Health Needs Assessment Guide to evaluate the needs of their service area.
Community-based human service organizations can search for funding opportunities.
County health departments can connect with local organizations working on similar goals.
Planning organizations can use the SocioNeeds Index to pinpoint zip codes with high needs.
Community-based health organizations can use data indicators to plan new programs.
Who are the intended users of Lakelands Counts?
Lakelands Counts was designed for use by governments, health departments, hospitals, and community-based health and human service providers. In addition to data, best practices, and resources valuable for people working in these settings, Lakelands Counts contains information that professionals from other sectors, educators, students and community members will find useful.